lördag 20 maj 2017

Jon Nödtveidt interview Samoth of Emperor in 1994 English translation

Cannot tell you enough just how important and the impact this Jon Nödtveidt interview with Samoth of Emperor had on me. It made me buy my first ever Norwegian Black Metal album in 1994 the same year that In The Nightside Eclipse was released.

In this same issue of the swedish magazine Metal Zone #5 Jon does an interview with Bathory also there's also a Dissection / Jon Nödtveidt interview. He writes about Marduk, Nifelheim, Immortal, Abruptum, Ophthalamia etc. in the "Extreme Zone" section of the magazine.

In other issues he and the drummer Ole Öhman of Dissection writes interviews, reviews, articles with Slayer, Entombed, Carcass, At The Gates, Dark Tranquility etc.

You can find many of them here on the blog translated into English (got more I can publish). Just use the Jon Nödtveidt "label / tag" and thou shalt find those.

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